Smallcase Funds

What are smallcase funds?

Smallcase funds refer to a type of investment product that allows investors to buy and hold a diversified portfolio of stocks or other assets in a single investment.

Basically they are like ready-made investment portfolios that are designed to make investing simpler and more accessible. Instead of buying individual stocks or trying to figure out which investments to choose, smallcase funds allow you to invest in a pre-selected group of stocks or assets that align with a specific theme or strategy.

Why PINC Smallcase?

Popular Smallcases by PINC Wealth
PINC Momentum

Best suited for short-medium term investments.

This smallcase portfolio comprises companies with sustained earnings momentum expected over the next 4-6 quarters. These stocks have the potential for a rerating based on their valuation multiples.

2 Years Return: 59.27%

Minimum Investment Amount: ₹ 50,475
(as on 28-06-2024)

PINC Classic Compounder

Best suited for long-term investments.

These stocks have a potential to grow at 15-20% for next 3-5 years and have demonstrated industry leading growth in the past.

2 Years Return: 30.26%

Minimum Investment Amount: ₹ 1,21,485
(as on 28-06-2024)

How to buy PINC Smallcase?

OR Visit: PINC Smallcase Page
Rebalancing Simplified

What is rebalancing?

Smallcase rebalance is the process of periodically reviewing and making meaningful changes to portfolio to ensure it continues to adhere to the original idea.

Why do you need to rebalance?

The user has the option to go through the suggested changes and can accept or reject the update. But skipping can lead to your smallcase no longer following the original idea. It can impact returns, and we suggest you understand the financial repercussions before making a move.

Steps to rebalance

  • - Steps to rebalance
  • - The mail will direct you to the investment page.
  • - Click “Rebalance” where available
  • - Review the update.
  • - Confirm the update to review



PINC Compounder Smallcase has simplified my investment journey. Seriously, investing has never been easy for me! Here in a single click, I could access a balanced portfolio. Thanks PINC.

Devendra Palan

I was hesitant about investing, but PINC Smallcase changed that. Talking to their team and looking at their growth gave me confidence. I've seen my investments grow steadily since then. I'm impressed!

Pratik Gandhi

As someone with limited knowledge about the stock market, I found Pinc smallcase to be a reliable and accessible platform. Their detailed reports and analysis have given me a deeper understanding of the stocks in my portfolio. I feel confident in managing my investments.

Why smallcase funds?


Instant diversification by investing in a basket of stocks or assets, reducing the risk associated with investing in individual stocks.


Simplify the investment process by providing pre-selected portfolios aligned with specific themes or strategies.


Curated by experts who have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the market, increasing the chances of making informed investment choices.

Lower investment threshold

Get started with relatively smaller amounts of money, making it accessible to all and reducing risk.


See the underlying stocks or assets in their smallcase fund and know exactly what they are investing in.


Offer the flexibility to buy or sell the entire portfolio as a single unit, allowing investors to adjust their holdings easily.


The smallcase manager decides who can invest in the smallcases created by them and can create two types of smallcases:
  • Exclusive smallcases: smallcases which require a subscription to the smallcase manager's Advisory in order to invest in the smallcase.
  • Public smallcases: smallcases in which anyone who has an account with our partner brokers can invest.

There are two smallcases offered by PINC Wealth, namely PINC Momentum and PINC Compounder.
  • PINC Momentum: This portfolio will focus on stocks where visibility in earnings continue for the next 4-6 quarters.
  • PINC Classic Compounder: This portfolio focuses on stocks with a growth potential of 15-20% in 3-5 years horizon.

This smallcase portfolio consists of the companies that are having the continuation of earnings momentum for next 4-6 quarters where the stocks have potential to rerate on valuation multiple.

This would be a sector and Market cap agnostic portfolio.

These stocks have a potential to grow at 15-20% for next 3-5 years and have demonstrated industry leading growth in the past. They are generally the market leaders or aspiring to reach that stage due to the quality of earnings and execution capabilities with superior cash flow track record.

Smallcase 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month
PINC Classic Compounder - - ₹ 3186 ₹5900
PINC Momentum - - ₹ 2714 ₹ 4956